UTurn Ministries of Champion Presbyterian Church is hard at work to reach, teach, and serve the youth and children of this community! We wish to help children and youth make a 180 in their life to face completely towards Christ! We meet on Wednesday nights with activities, games, lessons, snacks, and more for everyone from Preschool to 12th grade! There are also adult classes on Wednesday nights as well and we would love to have you join us.

tshirt pic.jpgWe are selling T-Shirts to help spread the word and promote our youth and children ministry here at Champion Presbyterian Church! T-Shirts are $10 each, please specify the size that you need, and all money is due by February 20th! All proceeds go towards the youth ministry.


Not only do we meet on Wednesday nights, but we also host many events, attend church camps, conferences, and have fun together! See you soon!

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